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Free Desktop Calendar "Geoscapes 2016" Download

Geoscapes 2016 Desktop Kalender

Kindly click on the calendar title above,
to view the monthly desktop images.


Geoscapes 2016 - A desktop calendar with monthly changing wallpapers / desktop background images for free download. Please choose as you like from our 12 different exciting Geoscapes or alternatively change the images every month. Click on the Geoscapes 2016 content image above to see the individual wallpapers or download the whole package without any restrictions for free (5.1 MB size, 13 image files and 1 explanations / info file) here. You can unzip the calendar files with any popular unzipper like Winzip, WinRar and 7-zip.

You can use our calendar images without any restrictions for download, printing, sharing and emaling to friends and colleagues. You can even use the images comercially, if you like to do so. All we ask is to give credit to Thomas Krassmann as image author and keep the website address on the image. If you need our calendar images in higher resolution, please feel free to contact us.

We supply these images in the current resolution virus free and at no charge freely under the regulations set above. However we do not take any legal responsibility whatsoever for any side effects of downloading or using our images / data such as hidden virus code, trojans or other malign software code, which may have harmful effects to your computer. By downloading our images and data you accept this disclaimer.

We appreciate your feedback and any questions you may have. Please contact us here. Thank you and enyoy our Geoscapes Desktop Calendar 2016 !

Geo Galleries : Geology - Mineralogy - Mineral Deposits - Mining

More than twenty years working as geologist ? For sure there are a lot of images never shown to the public from many places all over the globe. Here a selection of these photos is shown for your entertainment. All image rights belong to me, unless otherwise stated. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to answer you.

Gallery 1 : Selection of rare Minerals from my own Collection

Gallery 2 : Ore Types of the Rammelsberg Mine, Northern Germany

Gallery 3 : Basalt -- Varieties and Forms